Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Log 3

A long waiting is finally over. We are on the road now. A new kind of citizen U.S tour started yesterday.
We played at the trash bar in Brooklyn, N.Y  Thanks for all bands and people who shared the moment with us last night.  It was not our best performance but we had fun! And that is one of important elements to motivate us to keep on doing what we do.  Please check our band web site for tour dates.

We are gonna rock out in Mill hill basement, New jersey tonight!

遂にAll AgesのA new kind of citizenツアーが昨日から始まりました。
場所は ニューヨーク、ブルックリンのトラッシュバー。一緒にやったバンド、来てくれたお客さん、ありがとう!


Friday, October 8, 2010

Log 2

Since my Machine's (B)Log has appeared in public, I should write something. Right?
So, what is a good story to write today?  alright I got something, here we go.

Musicians:  A rare existence of human kind whose mind or thought is almost the same as others but little bit twisted in wired way. They could see thing differently if they want. Even they had a hard day, one good jam makes their day special.

Ex:  Hey man, I lost my job today but I at least came up a new song for it.

If you have ever had this kind of feeling, you are in the business. Unfortunately : )





残念ながら。(* _ *)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Log 1

I start blogging because the world force me to do so.  I have no idea what this blog would be about. Could be about All Ages (a band I am playing with right now), could be about my lifetime spend focus (music and drumming), or something else (aa~~~ food?)

You would find that I write in both English and Japanese. Depending on my mood. So if there is someone who wants to learn broken, uneducated, not-in-a-text-book type of Japanese or English, this blog might be helpful.

ブログ始めます。まだ何書くか全く決めていません。しばらくは今ドラム叩いとるバンドのAll Agesの事か、音楽/ドラムの事か、飯の事でも書こうと思います。ツアーがそろそろ始まるので、そうしたら面白い話も増えてくるでしょう。多分。
